Siow Ee San 少怡山 / 郑树祥 Zheng Shuxiang

Zheng Shu Xiang ( 郑树祥 Dey Soo Siong) Mr. Zheng Shu Xiang the represents the 49th generation. He was a instructor at the Nanyang Shaolin Headquarter in Singapore in the 1960’s. Chief Instructor of the Chiam Sein Puglistic Association in Singapore. In 1954 Master Gao Can initiated the ‘Singapore Sao Hua San Athletic Association’, which was taken charge by his non monk disciple Zheng Shu Xiang and some others (a.o. Quek Heng Choon, Ng Ser Kow)

新加坡早期武术界被众人尊称为”大师兄”的人物,乃是双林寺第十二任方丈释高参禅师的第一批得意门徒之一 已故郑树祥 师伯。少华山发起人之一,早期都以代师授艺,不分彼此相互称呼师兄弟,后发起收徒授艺的先锋者,60年代刘玉坤老师兄在首届东南亚武术邀请赛夺得重乙级亚军后,便到双林寺祖堂拜于门下为第一位入门徒弟子。
郑树祥 师伯不止尽得释高参师公的少林拳术,也经高参师公精心教导和努力自修苦研,益见精深老练,自创少灵山医局在大坡后迁移到如切路。
时隔多年想必郑树祥 师伯陪伴释高参师公左右多年。阿弥陀佛 !